God is great! Meet Newborn Who Was Born With Grey Hair And He Is Adorable (photos)

A little boy named Bence was born with snow-white hair in a hospital in Szekesfehervar, Hungary. His nickname is Prince Charming and he is not an albino!
“The white hair is not a sign of illness or prenatal stress”, said doctor ZoltanKummer and according to him, Bence is not an albino. If he were, melanin pigment also would be missing from his skin and his irises.According to the medical experts, this is most likely a temporary pigment shortage, and this little boy’s hair will most probably darken as he gets older.
In any case, the milky white hair is so striking that the nurses working in the maternity ward call him Prince Charming!
In all other respects Bence is a big beautiful bouncing baby boy! He was born with a whooping body weight of 5400 g and a height of 54 cm; and arrived punctually – as expected!
His blood-work has been sent on to a Bucharest lab for a few extra tests just in case the pigment deficiency indicates any problems, but this adorable little boy is healthy in every other way, and thriving!


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