Thank God oo! Kenyan Lady Whose Hands Were Cut Off As She Couldn't Have A Child Is Pregnant -(photos)

Do you remember the Kenyan woman, Jackline Mwende, whose estranged husband, Stephen Ngila, used a machete to cut off her arms and left her for dead because she couldn't have a baby, sometime in July last year? Well she's having a baby.

However, the 28-year-old who has overcomed her agony, after being fitted with prosthetic limbs in Seoul, South Korea, thanks to the generosity of LG Electronics, refused to name the father of her baby. The lady already has a new home she can take care of her baby in, as German pharmaceutical and science firm Merck built her a house complete with solar panels and a water tank.

The Sun reports that women’s rights activists were furious that her ex-husband Ngila, a tailor, was released on bail of £1,544 after being charged with the horrific crime. Jackline also told The Associated Press that tests done three years ago, showed that her husband is the one with reproductive problems – not her.

She said their relationship deteriorated after the tests, and that her husband did not show up for treatment as doctors prescribed.


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